Today, I’ve got a real treat for you. Over at, you can read an excerpt from Math for Writers — and it’s one of my most favorite sections. Yippee!

And there’s more good news: writer and coach, Rochelle Melander, is giving away a copy of Math for Writers to one lucky winner. Visit my guest post for the details.

So what’s this excerpt about? If you’ve faced BIG numbers that must go into a story, you might have wondered, “How can I do this without completely losing my readers?” The answer is so simple and so creative. Create metaphors that help you break the number down into manageable pieces. Bonus points, if these comparisons are really visual.

On Rochelle’s blog, I give really clear examples of how this is done. I guarantee that once the juices get flowing, you’ll be inspired to do this on your own!

Make Numbers Come Alive

Rochelle Melander is an author, speaker, and certified professional coach. She is the author of ten books, including the National Novel Writing Month guide—Write-A-Thon: Write Your Book in 26 Days (and Live to Tell About It). Rochelle teaches professionals how to turn their ideas into books, navigate the publishing world, and connect with readers through social media. She is the founder of Dream Keepers, a writing workshop for at risk tweens and teens in Milwaukee. For more tips and a complementary download of the first two chapters of Write-A-Thon, visit her online at

Laying the foundation for fiction and nonfiction writers alike to write a book in less than a month (and survive), Write-A-Thon provides the blueprint to do it all and survive! Write-A-Thon contains three sections: Training, Write-A-Thon, and Recovery. Each section utilizes introductions, brief valuable essays filled with practical tools, and just enough encouragement for the writer to press on and finish what may very well be the challenge of their life (or simply the challenge of the month). Perfect for accomplished authors or those who simply writeWrite-A-Thon provides the complete guidebook for brainstorming, writing, and finishing that book.Save

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