So where have I been this week? Makin’ video, y’all! I had lots to learn, but I’m tickled to share my first Math Manifesto video: Everyone has a math gene.

If you’ve heard yourself saying, “I’m no good at math; I don’t have a math gene,” this video is for you. In it I talk about all of the current research and understanding of how our brains were born to do math. Take a look!

You may have noticed that I changed this line of my manifesto. Originally I believed that there is no such thing as a math gene, but after doing some reading I’ve come to a different conclusion. We all have the math gene.

More videos are coming, so please subscribe to my YouTube channel: mathforgrownups.  Also, I hope you’ll share this video on Twitter, using #mathgene and post it on your Facebook page. Share the Math for Grownups love!

As always, I’d love to hear what you think. Ask your questions or share your feedback in the comments section. (Yes, I already know that I say “So…” and “But…” too often. *smile*) After watching the video, are you convinced — as I am — that you have the math gene? Why or why not?

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